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The Center for Jewish and Democratic Education

Center Members

Dr. Jeremy Maissel


My doctoral dissertation, supervised by Prof. Hanan Alexander, in the Department of Learning, Instruction and Teacher Education, is in the field of curriculum. I explore the reasons behind the successes and failures of two curricula in informal Jewish education which promote Jewish peoplehood - The Jewish Peoplehood Hub (JPH) and Taglit Birthright Israel (TBI). 

I scrutinize and analyze these curricula through the lens of curriculum theory, especially the ideas of Kliebard, Goodlad, Dewey, Eisner and Apple. I summarize their successes and failures. Success, based on a formal educational model, I define as the curriculum which is officially adopted and endures; for Jewish informal education success is defined by its reach and reputation: the number of participants and its recognition as the ‘industry standard’.

The concept of Jewish peoplehood, common to these programs, lacks a single, widely accepted definition. I set out my conceptual analysis, discuss its role in these two cases and suggest several strategies for defining its meaning, role and function.

My central claim, and my original contribution to theory, is that a principal factor predicting success/failure is the ‘protocurriculum’. A preliminary addition to Goodlad’s five curricula, I define the protocurriculum as “a nascent educational agenda; a clear, intuitive vision; requiring honing, polishing and articulating in terms of educational goals”. A strong, clear protocurriculum, which drives and dominates the curriculum, can make a significant contribution that program’s success.

Primary research interests:

Jewish Peoplehood – further investigation into the meaning, role, function and implementation of this amorphous concept, which has generated considerable interest within the global Jewish community especially in the last twenty years. 

The role of philanthropy in informal Jewish education – philanthropists play a very prominent role in Jewish education, particularly informal education. In my doctoral dissertation I discuss the key roles played by philanthropists in JPH and TBI. I would like to broaden my research for a fuller scholarly study of the wider phenomenon.

Further exploration of the ‘protocurriculum’ – beyond positing this concept in my doctoral dissertation, I would like to investigate it further in both informal and formal settings.